What kind of new technologies would be developed which aren’t exist currently?

Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computer

                                                    Image from Live Science

Long time no see! 

As the new semester has started, I've decided to re-post with some new content. 

This time, my blog will deal with the content of technology in the workplace.

And for this post, 

One of the main question mentioned during the lecture was 

"What kind of new technologies would be developed which aren’t exist currently?"

Then, I came up with an idea of technology.

How super smart would it be 

if Artificial Intelligence works together with Quantum computers?

Before going through the potentials and connection between them, 

I bet most of you are well familiar with Artificial Intelligence,

So l will instead introduce what Quantum Computer is and how it works. 

(It will be helpful for understanding the concept and how crazy the synergy would be.)

Human Brain, Computer

                                                                             Image from verywellmind

Let me illustrate you one idea that explains what Quantum Computer is.

You have to understand how Information Processing works in human brain and computer.

There is a difference between a human's brain and a computer 

when it comes to Information Processing Methods,

"The computer is serialized,

and the brain is parallel."

The computer processes 

information consisting of 0 and 1,

while the brain processes 

hundreds of millions of neuron cells connected to each other at the same time.

When you ask to a computer, 

                                                                                    Image from Patheos

"What animal is a mammal that lays eggs and has poisonous needles?" 

the computer searches all mammals,

then finds five monotremes that lay eggs.

and after finding one species that has poisonous needles, 

it results to the answer that it is a platypus.

                                                                                    Image from Wikipedia

However, the human brain processes three pieces of information simultaneously

(mammals, eggs, and poison needles), 

so it finds the answer right away.


This means that the brain can skip the process of processing information, 

which can also be described as intuition. 

(Efficient information processing power through omission)

We may normally think that the optimal solution came up intuitively, 

but the truth is that 

we have calculated the number of cases and found the best of them.

(without realizing it !!)

(It is the reason why we study humanities and read books 

in order to master the process and feel that the process 

has been omitted and "intuitively" came to mind.)

Computers must calculate the number of all cases without omission and compare,

 and analyze what is best. 

The energy and time required are beyond imagination, 

but they can be overcome by improving the speed of information processing, 

making it seem like coming up with an answer instantly.

Quantum Computer

Because Quantum computer process information in parallel and simultaneously, 

it is a computer that can think like a human brain with nearly infinite efficiency.

Then, imagine how would it be 

if AI works with the process of how a Quantum Computer operates.

To be continued... 

on later blogs or on my personal research.

Figgatt, C., Ostrander, A., Linke, N. M., Landsman, K. A., Zhu, D., Maslov, D., & Monroe, C. (2019). Parallel entangling operations on a universal ion-trap Quantum Computer. Nature, 572(7769), 368-372. doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1427-5
